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Video: How effective is PHI technology against COVID-19 and other viruses?


Dr. James Marsden, RGF's Executive Director of Science and Technology, provides insight on PHI and newly emerged COVID variants.

Video: How effective is REME HALO against COVID-19?


Dr. James Marsden discusses the testing and subsequent results of the REME HALO against SARS-CoV-2.

Video: What’s unique about the HALO LED?


Dr. James Marsden explains the benefits of HALO LED and it's reduction in coronavirus surrogate MS2 Bacteriophage by 99.9%.

Video: How do you keep your tenants safe and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in your community?


Nerva Energy tasked their engineers with the job of identifying technologies that could eliminate airborne and surface contaminants on a 24hr basis.

Why is air quality so critical in care homes?


Are you aware that most untreated indoor spaces contain high levels of pollutants in the atmosphere?

What goes on outdoors?


Now, more than ever, businesses and homeowners are conscious of the air they breathe in. Increasing concerns over the air quality we breathe is triggered due to a cautious society, stemming from rapid viral and bacterial spread.

Stop the spread indoors.

Contact us today about making your home and business a safer, more productive space for people to thrive.