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What goes on outdoors?

Now, more than ever, businesses and homeowners are conscious of the air they breathe in. Increasing concerns over the air quality we breathe is triggered due to a cautious society, stemming from rapid viral and bacterial spread.

28.02.2022 Air Purity
Diatom | What goes on outdoors?

Did you know that you are far more likely to catch an airborne virus indoors than you are outdoors? It is because of the natural cyclic system that exists outside. However, considering such a dominant portion of our lives are occupied in the confinement of the indoor atmosphere, avoiding exposure to viruses poses a major challenge.

Why don’t viruses spread so rapidly outdoors?

A combination of factors provides comfort that the risk of transmitting a virus in a natural outdoor space is far lower than in an enclosed space.

Between the feasibility to maintain personal space and the abundance of fresh air in the biosphere, prevention from the accumulation of contaminated air is easily achievable outdoors. Furthermore, given the destructive nature of ultraviolet rays against viruses and bacteria, the sun’s exposure is another reason there is less chance of rapid spread in the natural outdoor environment.

Continuous supplies of fresh air disperse and dilute viruses, bacteria, mould spores etc, which also helps to evaporate the liquid droplets in which viruses are carried. UV light from the sun also reacts with the air, water, and surfaces to create airborne oxidizers which not only are we breathing in all the time, but they latch onto and neutralise many of the viruses, bacteria, moulds etc that are still left out in the open.

PHI Technology, bringing the outdoors, inside

Photo-hydro-ionisation, otherwise known as PHI-CELL®, technology mimics this exact system that nature has developed. It creates an outdoor-like atmosphere through this mimicked outdoor process of purifying the air by effectively inactivating or removing pollutants from an indoor space. Producing the same airborne Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) molecules that are found outdoors, the entirety of our air purification systems assiduously counteracts or expels viruses or bacteria existing either in the indoor air we breathe or upon surfaces.

Every time we go outdoors, we breathe in H2O2, it exists naturally in the atmosphere. The natural outdoor levels of H2O2 are higher than those generated by our PHI-CELL® technology, but even so, it manages to rid an indoor space of impurities successfully. By projecting a light energy source (such as LED) onto an exclusive quad-metallic hydrophilic catalyst surface, it converts water vapour into airborne Hydrogen Peroxide molecules. This is similar to what the sun does for us outside.

Actively treating the air, this revolutionary purification process is free of chemicals and safe for humans and animals to breathe daily indoors in the same way we breathe it outdoors, and with over four million of these systems already installed and protecting indoor spaces globally, you know that the technology is one of the safest and most effective available.

Whilst the outdoor environment is undoubtedly alluring and comes with assured health benefits, it is unrealistic to be amongst it all the time. We are known as the first indoor generation, spending up to 90% of our lives indoors, so it’s vital that we achieve as much protection as possible from indoor air pollutants. Our popular air-purification technology ensures a safer indoor atmosphere, catering to the everyday build-up of indoor contamination created by human activity.

Get in touch with the team at Diatom

Our team at Diatom have recognised the need to ensure a safer environment when indoors. Imitating nature’s purification process in outdoor settings, the revolutionary PHI technology is inspired to establish purer air, bringing the outdoors, inside. Chat to our team today.

Stop the spread indoors.

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