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Video: Active air purification for mass transit


PHI technology has helped people return to their daily lives during COVID-19 as shown by United Safety, a client of RGF in the USA.

Video: PHI for school buses


PHI technology has helped keep students safe and healthy during COVID-19 as shown by United Safety, a client of RGF in the USA.

Video: How does the REME HALO work?


The REME HALO is designed to recreate the natural way the environment removes impurities from the outside air.

Video: Is the air in your office safe?


Better air quality means better performance.

Video: Are your surrounds safe and healthy?


Feel the healthy difference an RGF air purification system can make in your life.

Video: Why RGF?


Feel the healthy difference an RGF air purification system can make in your home and breathe a sigh of relief.

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