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What is H2O2?

11.01.2022 Air Purity

Hydroperoxides are known as Mother Nature’s natural, enviro-friendly cleaning agent. Maybe mother did know best when she said “Go play outdoors, it’s healthier”. Ionized hydrogen peroxides are responsible for the air smelling so clean after a thunder storm. The combination of ions from lightning, water and sun increase the natural level of hydrogen peroxide, thereby cleaning the air. Typical outdoor levels of hydroperoxides run between .01 to .03 ppm.

Hydrogen peroxide is a compound of two parts hydrogen and two parts oxygen, simply water (H2O) with one extra atom of oxygen. The hydrogen-peroxide works by creating destructive hydroxyl-free radicals which neutralise membrane DNA, lipids and other essential components within pollutants. For this reason, hydrogen-peroxide is considered a powerful compound that works against germicidal, bactericidal and fungicidal properties.

The revolutionary Photohydroionization (PHI-CELL®) technology offered in all of our air purification products mimics the way nature cleans the air outdoors for use in indoor spaces. They create an equilibrium concentration of naturally occurring ionised hydrogen peroxides below natural outside levels (0.01 ppb) throughout the indoor air and surface space. When these molecules come into contact with organics such as viruses, bacteria, odours and VOCs they instantly break down and destroy them in the same way a disinfectant works and afterwards revert back to harmless water vapour and oxygen. The spent molecules are constantly replenished hence the continuous effect. We refer to this as ‘active air’. 

Stop the spread indoors.

The PHI technology has been extensively employed by the food industry for the last 17 years. Also, medical facilities have embraced it to reduce rates of H1N1, SARS, C-Diff, MRSA, etc. Schools use it as it can reduce absenteeism of students and teachers. One PHI validation study was to destroy the microbes of a sneeze, which it did -99% at three feet. PHI has been tested and approved by the military and homeland security in the US. Hundreds of cruise ships have installed PHI technology, which has helped eliminate the Norwalk Virus problem plaguing that industry for years. Thousands of hotel rooms, chain restaurants and hospitals also utilise PHI technology

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